Expanding Our Team

To join the lab, email your CV & personal statement to fanny.elahi@mssm.edu

We are looking for data scientists interested in molecular omics, big data, and AI/ML methods. You’re not a data scientist but a great experimentalist or creative thinker—contact us and if the fit is right we’ll find you a position!

How We Work

We uphold core values while conducting rigorous, patient-centered research that seeks to alleviate the burden of brain degenerative disease in the world. Our multidisciplinary approach operates at the intersection of clinical and preclinical research. We expect all lab members to operate ethically and humanely. Lab members are mentored to ask important questions, acquire new skills, and seek to excel. We aim to proactively uphold a positive lab environment for all members and value team-based science with collegial spirit in interactions.

Core values Authentic Ambitious Bold Creative Generous Humanistic Inclusive Patient-centered Team-based

All Team Members Can Expect to

Be challenged to be more precise, rigorous, ask important questions, acquire new skills, and seek to excel.

Be asked to regularly assess needs (hard and soft skills) and push themselves beyond comfort zone, and ask for help when it is needed.

Receive scientific & career mentorship. Draft an Individual Development Plan (IDP) with revisions as needed.

Receive regular feedback on ideas, experiments, writing, & presentations. Continually engage in organizing data, making figures, and writing.

Present work at lab meetings and national or international meetings when ready.

Be included in new project developments, and be given the opportunity to develop their own project.

And to have fun! We love what we do and enjoy working together. We also have a fantastic community at Mount Sinai, and beyond.

Mentorship Commitment

I aim to help you reach your scientific and career goals. I will regularly provide feedback on ideas, work, and experiments, as well as your skills in scientific communication and team work. I will address the order of authorship early in a project and re-evaluate this via open discussion as the project evolves.

Overall, you can count on me to support your professional development. You can expect me to meet success with celebration and failure with support.