
Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Placental growth factor as a sensitive biomarker for vascular cognitive impairment

Hinman JD, Elahi FM, Chong D, Radabaugh H, Ferguson A, Maillard P, Thompson JF, Rosenberg GA, Sagare A, Moghekar A, Lu H, Lee T, Wilcock D, Satizabal CL, Tracy R, Seshadri S, Schwab K, Helmer K, Singh H, Kivisäkk P, Greenberg S, DeCarli C, Kramer J (2023) Alzheimer’s & Dementia


Hinman JD, Elahi FM, Chong D, Radabaugh H, Ferguson A, Maillard P, Thompson JF, Rosenberg GA, Sagare A, Moghekar A, Lu H, Lee T, Wilcock D, Satizabal CL, Tracy R, Seshadri S, Schwab K, Helmer K, Singh H, Kivisäkk P, Greenberg S, DeCarli C, Kramer J (2023) Alzheimer’s & Dementia

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Lower white matter volume and worse executive functioning reflected in higher levels of plasma GFAP among older adults with and without cognitive impairment

Asken BM, VandeVrede L, Rojas JC, Fonseca C, Staffaroni AM, Elahi FM, Lindbergh CA, Apple AC, You M, Weiner-Light S, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB (2022) Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Asken BM, VandeVrede L, Rojas JC, Fonseca C, Staffaroni AM, Elahi FM, Lindbergh CA, Apple AC, You M, Weiner-Light S, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Rosen HJ, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB (2022) Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Retinal arteriolar parameters as a surrogate marker of intracranial vascular pathology

Abdelhak A, Solomon I, Montes SC, Saias A, Cordano C, Asken B, Fonseca C, Cosima Oertel F, Arfanakis K, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Geshwind M, Miller BL, Elahi FM, Green AJ (2022) Alzheimer’s & Dementia


Abdelhak A, Solomon I, Montes SC, Saias A, Cordano C, Asken B, Fonseca C, Cosima Oertel F, Arfanakis K, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Geshwind M, Miller BL, Elahi FM, Green AJ (2022) Alzheimer’s & Dementia

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Right temporal degeneration and socioemotional semantics: Semantic behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia

Younes K, Borghesani V, Montembeault M, Spina S, Mandelli ML, Welch AE, Weis E, Callahan P, Elahi FM, Hua AY, Perry DC, Karydas A, Geschwind D, Huang E, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Miller ZA, Miller BL, Sturm VE, Rankin KP, Luisa Gorno-Tempini M (2022) Brain


Younes K, Borghesani V, Montembeault M, Spina S, Mandelli ML, Welch AE, Weis E, Callahan P, Elahi FM, Hua AY, Perry DC, Karydas A, Geschwind D, Huang E, Grinberg LT, Kramer JH, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Miller ZA, Miller BL, Sturm VE, Rankin KP, Luisa Gorno-Tempini M (2022) Brain

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Plasma neurofilament light chain levels suggest neuroaxonal stability following therapeutic remyelination in people with multiple sclerosis

Abdelhak A, Cordano C, Boscardin WJ, Caverzasi E, Kuhle J, Chan B, Gelfand JM, Yiu HH, Oertel FC, Beaudry-Richard A, Condor Montes S, Oksenberg JR, Lario Lago A, Boxer A, Rojas-Martinez JC, Elahi FM, Chan JR, Green AJ (2022) Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry


Abdelhak A, Cordano C, Boscardin WJ, Caverzasi E, Kuhle J, Chan B, Gelfand JM, Yiu HH, Oertel FC, Beaudry-Richard A, Condor Montes S, Oksenberg JR, Lario Lago A, Boxer A, Rojas-Martinez JC, Elahi FM, Chan JR, Green AJ (2022) Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Expanding the horizon of research into the pathogenesis of the white matter diseases: Proceedings of the 2021 Annual Workshop of the Albert Research Institute for White Matter and Cognition

Whitehead SN, Bruno A, Burns JM, Carmichael ST, Csiszar A, Edwards JD, Elahi FM, Faraco G, Gould DB, Gustafson DR, Hachinski V, Rosenberg G, Sorond FA, Shih AY, Tse KH, Ungvari Z, Wilcock DM, Zuloaga KL, Barone FC (2022) GeroScience


Whitehead SN, Bruno A, Burns JM, Carmichael ST, Csiszar A, Edwards JD, Elahi FM, Faraco G, Gould DB, Gustafson DR, Hachinski V, Rosenberg G, Sorond FA, Shih AY, Tse KH, Ungvari Z, Wilcock DM, Zuloaga KL, Barone FC (2022) GeroScience

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Alzheimer's disease research progress in Australia: The Alzheimer's Association International Conference Satellite Symposium in Sydney

Sexton CE, Anstey KJ, Baldacci F, Barnum CJ, Barron AM, Blennow K, Brodaty H, Burnham S, Elahi FM, Götz J, Jeon YH, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Landau SM, Lautenschlager NT, Laws SM, Lipnicki DM, Lu H, Masters CL, Moyle W, Nakamura A, Pasinetti GM, Rao N, Rowe C, Sachdev PS, Schofield PR, Sigurdsson EM, Smith K, Srikanth V, Szoeke C, Tansey MG, Whitmer R, Wilcock D, Wong TY, Bain LJ, Carrillo MC (2022) Alzheimer's & Dementia


Sexton CE, Anstey KJ, Baldacci F, Barnum CJ, Barron AM, Blennow K, Brodaty H, Burnham S, Elahi FM, Götz J, Jeon YH, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Landau SM, Lautenschlager NT, Laws SM, Lipnicki DM, Lu H, Masters CL, Moyle W, Nakamura A, Pasinetti GM, Rao N, Rowe C, Sachdev PS, Schofield PR, Sigurdsson EM, Smith K, Srikanth V, Szoeke C, Tansey MG, Whitmer R, Wilcock D, Wong TY, Bain LJ, Carrillo MC (2022) Alzheimer's & Dementia

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Interbatch reliability of blood-based cytokine and chemokine measurements in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional study

Lindbergh CA, Asken BM, Casaletto KB, Elahi FM, Goldberger LA, Fonseca C, You M, Apple AC, Staffaroni AM, Fitch R, Rivera Contreras W, Wang P, Karydas A, Kramer JH; Hillblom Aging Network (2021) The Journals of Gerontology: Series A


Lindbergh CA, Asken BM, Casaletto KB, Elahi FM, Goldberger LA, Fonseca C, You M, Apple AC, Staffaroni AM, Fitch R, Rivera Contreras W, Wang P, Karydas A, Kramer JH; Hillblom Aging Network (2021) The Journals of Gerontology: Series A

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Elevated complement mediator levels in endothelial-derived plasma exosomes implicate endothelial innate inflammation in diminished brain function of aging humans

Elahi FM, Harvey D, Altendahl M, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Maillard P, Hinman JD, Miller BL, DeCarli C, Kramer JH, Goetzl EJ (2021) Scientific Reports


Elahi FM, Harvey D, Altendahl M, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Maillard P, Hinman JD, Miller BL, DeCarli C, Kramer JH, Goetzl EJ (2021) Scientific Reports

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Plasma amyloid beta, neurofilament light chain, and total tau in the Systolic Blood Pressure Intervention Trial (SPRINT)

Pajewski NM, Elahi FM, Tamura MK, Hinman JD, Nasrallah IM, Ix JH, Miller LM, Launer LJ, Wright CB, Supiano MA, Lerner AJ, Sudduth TL, Killeen AA, Cheung AK, Reboussin DM, Wilcock DM, Williamson JD (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia


Pajewski NM, Elahi FM, Tamura MK, Hinman JD, Nasrallah IM, Ix JH, Miller LM, Launer LJ, Wright CB, Supiano MA, Lerner AJ, Sudduth TL, Killeen AA, Cheung AK, Reboussin DM, Wilcock DM, Williamson JD (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

Retinal imaging demonstrates reduced capillary density in clinically unimpaired APOE ε4 gene carriers

Elahi FM, Ashimatey SB, Bennett DJ, Walters SM, La Joie R, Jiang X, Wolf A, Cobigo Y, Staffaroni AM, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH, Green AJ, Kashani AH (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring


Elahi FM, Ashimatey SB, Bennett DJ, Walters SM, La Joie R, Jiang X, Wolf A, Cobigo Y, Staffaroni AM, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH, Green AJ, Kashani AH (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring

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Fanny Elahi Fanny Elahi

MarkVCID cerebral small vessel consortium: I. Enrollment, clinical, fluid protocols

Wilcock D, Jicha G, Blacker D, Albert MS, D'Orazio LM, Elahi FM, Fornage M, Hinman JD, Knoefel J, Kramer J, Kryscio RJ, Lamar M, Moghekar A, Prestopnik J, Ringman JM, Rosenberg G, Sagare A, Satizabal CL, Schneider J, Seshadri S, Sur S, Tracy RP, Yasar S, Williams V, Singh H, Mazina L, Helmer KG, Corriveau RA, Schwab K, Kivisäkk P, Greenberg SM; MarkVCID Consortium (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia


Wilcock D, Jicha G, Blacker D, Albert MS, D'Orazio LM, Elahi FM, Fornage M, Hinman JD, Knoefel J, Kramer J, Kryscio RJ, Lamar M, Moghekar A, Prestopnik J, Ringman JM, Rosenberg G, Sagare A, Satizabal CL, Schneider J, Seshadri S, Sur S, Tracy RP, Yasar S, Williams V, Singh H, Mazina L, Helmer KG, Corriveau RA, Schwab K, Kivisäkk P, Greenberg SM; MarkVCID Consortium (2021) Alzheimer's & Dementia

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