Sex-related differences in the relationship between β-amyloid and cognitive trajectories in older adults
Lindbergh CA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, La Joie R, Iaccarino L, Edwards L, Tsoy E, Elahi F, Walters SM, Cotter D, You M, Apple AC, Asken B, Neuhaus J, Rexach JE, Wojta KJ, Rabinovici G, Kramer JH; Hillblom Aging Network (2020) Neuropsychology
Lindbergh CA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, La Joie R, Iaccarino L, Edwards L, Tsoy E, Elahi F, Walters SM, Cotter D, You M, Apple AC, Asken B, Neuhaus J, Rexach JE, Wojta KJ, Rabinovici G, Kramer JH; Hillblom Aging Network (2020) Neuropsychology
Plasma glial fibrillary acidic protein levels differ along the spectra of amyloid burden and clinical disease stage
Asken BM, Elahi FM, La Joie R, Strom A, Staffaroni AM, Lindbergh CA, Apple AC, You M, Weiner-Light S, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Karydas A, Wang P, Rojas JC, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB (2020) Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Asken BM, Elahi FM, La Joie R, Strom A, Staffaroni AM, Lindbergh CA, Apple AC, You M, Weiner-Light S, Brathaban N, Fernandes N, Karydas A, Wang P, Rojas JC, Boxer AL, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB (2020) Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease
Aging and positive mood: Longitudinal neurobiological and cognitive correlates
Cotter DL, Walters SM, Fonseca C, Wolf A, Cobigo Y, Fox EC, You MY, Altendahl M, Djukic N, Staffaroni AM, Elahi FM, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB; Hillblom Aging Network (2020) American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Cotter DL, Walters SM, Fonseca C, Wolf A, Cobigo Y, Fox EC, You MY, Altendahl M, Djukic N, Staffaroni AM, Elahi FM, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB; Hillblom Aging Network (2020) American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry
Editorial: Lipids in the brain
Albi E, Alessenko AV, Elahi FM, Ledesma MD (2020) Frontiers in Neurology
Albi E, Alessenko AV, Elahi FM, Ledesma MD (2020) Frontiers in Neurology
Systemic tumor necrosis factor-alpha trajectories relate to brain health in typically aging older adults
Lindbergh CA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Elahi F, Walters SM, You M, Neuhaus J, Rivera Contreras W, Wang P, Karydas A, Brown J, Wolf A, Rosen H, Cobigo Y, Kramer JH (2020) Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
Lindbergh CA, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Elahi F, Walters SM, You M, Neuhaus J, Rivera Contreras W, Wang P, Karydas A, Brown J, Wolf A, Rosen H, Cobigo Y, Kramer JH (2020) Journals of Gerontology: Medical Sciences
REM sleep is associated with white matter integrity in cognitively healthy, older adults
Altendahl M, Cotter DL, Staffaroni AM, Wolf A, Mumford P, Cobigo Y, Casaletto K, Elahi F, Ruoff L, Javed S, Bettcher BM, Fox E, You M, Saloner R, Neylan TC, Kramer JH, Walsh CM (2020) PLoS One
Altendahl M, Cotter DL, Staffaroni AM, Wolf A, Mumford P, Cobigo Y, Casaletto K, Elahi F, Ruoff L, Javed S, Bettcher BM, Fox E, You M, Saloner R, Neylan TC, Kramer JH, Walsh CM (2020) PLoS One
β-amyloid and tau drive early Alzheimer's disease decline while glucose hypometabolism drives late decline
Hammond TC, Xing X, Wang C, Ma D, Nho K, Crane PK, Elahi F, Ziegler DA, Liang G, Cheng Q, Yanckello LM, Jacobs N, Lin AL (2020) Communications Biology
Hammond TC, Xing X, Wang C, Ma D, Nho K, Crane PK, Elahi F, Ziegler DA, Liang G, Cheng Q, Yanckello LM, Jacobs N, Lin AL (2020) Communications Biology
Endothelial-derived plasma exosome proteins in Alzheimer's disease angiopathy
Abner EL, Elahi FM, Jicha GA, Mustapic M, Al-Janabi O, Kramer JH, Kapogiannis D, Goetzl EJ (2020) FASEB Journal
Abner EL, Elahi FM, Jicha GA, Mustapic M, Al-Janabi O, Kramer JH, Kapogiannis D, Goetzl EJ (2020) FASEB Journal
The path to biomarker-based diagnostic criteria for the spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases
Baldacci F, Mazzucchi S, Della Vecchia A, Giampietri L, Giannini N, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Ceravolo R, Siciliano G, Bonuccelli U, Elahi FM, Vergallo A, Lista S, Giorgi FS, Hampel H (2020) Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostic
Baldacci F, Mazzucchi S, Della Vecchia A, Giampietri L, Giannini N, Koronyo-Hamaoui M, Ceravolo R, Siciliano G, Bonuccelli U, Elahi FM, Vergallo A, Lista S, Giorgi FS, Hampel H (2020) Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostic
Plasma biomarkers of astrocytic and neuronal dysfunction in early- and late-onset Alzheimer's disease
Elahi FM, Casaletto KB, La Joie R, Walters SM, Harvey D, Wolf A, Edwards L, Rivera-Contreras W, Karydas A, Cobigo Y, Rosen HJ, DeCarli C, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH (2020) Alzheimer's & Dementia
Elahi FM, Casaletto KB, La Joie R, Walters SM, Harvey D, Wolf A, Edwards L, Rivera-Contreras W, Karydas A, Cobigo Y, Rosen HJ, DeCarli C, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD, Kramer JH (2020) Alzheimer's & Dementia
Acute insulin resistance and rapid alterations in neuronal derived blood exosome concentration after branched endovascular aortic aneurysm repair
Hiramoto JS, Elahi FM, Gasper WJ, Reilly LM, Chuter TA, Goetzl EJ (2020) European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
Hiramoto JS, Elahi FM, Gasper WJ, Reilly LM, Chuter TA, Goetzl EJ (2020) European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery
An IL-18-centered inflammatory network as a biomarker for cerebral white matter injury
Altendahl M, Maillard P, Harvey D, Cotter D, Walters S, Wolf A, Singh B, Kakarla V, Azizkhanian I, Sheth SA, Xiao G, Fox E, You M, Leng M, Elashoff D, Kramer JH, Decarli C, Elahi F, Hinman JD (2020) PLoS One
Altendahl M, Maillard P, Harvey D, Cotter D, Walters S, Wolf A, Singh B, Kakarla V, Azizkhanian I, Sheth SA, Xiao G, Fox E, You M, Leng M, Elashoff D, Kramer JH, Decarli C, Elahi F, Hinman JD (2020) PLoS One
Clonally expanded CD8 T cells patrol the cerebrospinal fluid in Alzheimer's disease
Gate D, Saligrama N, Leventhal O, Yang AC, Unger MS, Middeldorp J, Chen K, Lehallier B, Channappa D, De Los Santos MB, McBride A, Pluvinage J, Elahi F, Tam GK, Kim Y, Greicius M, Wagner AD, Aigner L, Galasko DR, Davis MM, Wyss-Coray T (2020) Nature
Gate D, Saligrama N, Leventhal O, Yang AC, Unger MS, Middeldorp J, Chen K, Lehallier B, Channappa D, De Los Santos MB, McBride A, Pluvinage J, Elahi F, Tam GK, Kim Y, Greicius M, Wagner AD, Aigner L, Galasko DR, Davis MM, Wyss-Coray T (2020) Nature
Assessment of executive function declines in presymptomatic and mildly symptomatic familial frontotemporal dementia: NIH-EXAMINER as a potential clinical trial endpoint
Staffaroni AM, Bajorek L, Casaletto KB, Cobigo Y, Goh SM, Wolf A, Heuer HW, Elahi FM, Ljubenkov PA, Dever R, Kornak J, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber D, Caso C, Coppola G, Dheel C, Dickerson BC, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields JA, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung GY, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Jones DT, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer DI, Kerwin DR, Knopman DS, Kraft R, Kremers WK, Kukull WA, Litvan I, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis SM, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw LM, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wang P, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boxer AL, Boeve BF, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ; ARTFL/LEFFTDS consortium (2020) Alzheimer's & Dementia
Staffaroni AM, Bajorek L, Casaletto KB, Cobigo Y, Goh SM, Wolf A, Heuer HW, Elahi FM, Ljubenkov PA, Dever R, Kornak J, Appleby B, Bove J, Bordelon Y, Brannelly P, Brushaber D, Caso C, Coppola G, Dheel C, Dickerson BC, Dickinson S, Dominguez S, Domoto-Reilly K, Faber K, Ferrall J, Fields JA, Fishman A, Fong J, Foroud T, Forsberg LK, Gavrilova R, Gearhart D, Ghazanfari B, Ghoshal N, Goldman J, Graff-Radford J, Graff-Radford N, Grant I, Grossman M, Haley D, Hsiung GY, Huey ED, Irwin DJ, Jones DT, Jones L, Kantarci K, Karydas A, Kaufer DI, Kerwin DR, Knopman DS, Kraft R, Kremers WK, Kukull WA, Litvan I, Lucente D, Lungu C, Mackenzie IR, Maldonado M, Manoochehri M, McGinnis SM, McKinley E, Mendez MF, Miller BL, Multani N, Onyike C, Padmanabhan J, Pantelyat A, Pearlman R, Petrucelli L, Potter M, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Rankin KP, Rascovsky K, Roberson ED, Rogalski E, Sengdy P, Shaw LM, Syrjanen J, Tartaglia MC, Tatton N, Taylor J, Toga A, Trojanowski JQ, Weintraub S, Wang P, Wong B, Wszolek Z, Boxer AL, Boeve BF, Kramer JH, Rosen HJ; ARTFL/LEFFTDS consortium (2020) Alzheimer's & Dementia
Preclinical translation of exosomes derived from mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
Elahi FM, Farwell DG, Nolta JA, Anderson JD (2020) Stem Cells
Elahi FM, Farwell DG, Nolta JA, Anderson JD (2020) Stem Cells